Resources for Welsh learners and speakers in Coventry and Warwickshire.
Coventry Cambrian Society
Coventry Cambrian Society was founded in 1972 “to promote interest in Welsh culture and music and to provide a society for all those interested in Wales and things Welsh”.
The society’s monthly meetings are open to all. They consist of talks, social evenings, and special events such as the St David’s Dinner and an annual outing to Wales.
Coventry Say Something In Welsh
SaySomethingInWelsh encourages all Welsh learners to start speaking Welsh in conversation, from the very start of their Welsh learning.
There are two SaySomethingInWelsh groups in Coventry, one that meets fortnightly on Thursday mornings at Earlsdon Methodist Church and one that meets monthly on Wednesday evenings at the Green Dragon restaurant and on Saturday mornings at Dobbies Garden Centre near Rugby.
There is also a monthly conversation group that meets at Coventry Central Library.
Coventry Welsh Chapel
Coventry has a Welsh Presbyterian Chapel which meets at Radford and Holbrooks Methodist Church three Sunday afternoons a month with a service in Welsh and conversation in Welsh over a cup of tea afterwards. A bilingual Carol Service is held annually.
Côr Cymraeg Coventry
Coventry’s only Welsh choir Côr Cymraeg Coventry started out in 2016. Despite its small size, the group has performed in many places locally including Coventry Cathedral and Warwick Arts Centre, and in churches, pubs and bars.
We like to bring some of the traditions of Welsh music and culture to Coventry. The group rehearses on Monday evenings at the Humber pub. We welcome new applications to join our group.
Coventry Cambrian Society
Côr Cymraeg Coventry
Say Something In Welsh
Dysgu Cymraeg (courses)
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